He's the new addition to 1028 and is the BEST roomie we could have asked for. Snuggly, playful, soft, "helps" with the house work, and affectionate. He enjoys long walks on the beach, listening to Louie Armstrong, and waxing his DeLorean. =)
A friend from our community group forwarded an email from his friends who were looking for a good home for their precious feline as their ADORABLE baby was allergic. Attached were pictures of the little stinker. His pictures pretty much made up 98% of the decision to snatch him up. So cute! We set up a time to go and visit with the little guy to see how he was in person. I wasn't able to make it, but Jamie went and next thing I knew I got a text that read, "He's ours!" I worked 21 hours that day so coming home to such a loving and sweet kitty was such a blessing to my long day!! And what's more awesome is that his former owners live right down the street from us so they can keep close tabs on him still.
Thank you guys and PLEASE come visit anytime!!