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grateful daughter/protective sister/committed friend/surrendered believer/adventure finder/hope seeker/servant-of-love

Saturday, March 20, 2010

New Love and Old Love

If I could re-live the night of March 7, 2010 everyday, I would.

I had been waiting for that evening months in advance. Needtobreathe aka Best Band E.V.E.R. would be playing in Austin. Not sure if I've raved about them enough on here, but they truly are awesome and, if possible, even more incredible live. Love 'em!!.....old love.

I hardly ever recognize opening bands and it was the same for that night. BUT, opening bands tend to find their way to my heart and ears quickly. (That's exactly how I came upon the amazing treasure of Needtobreathe). Stephen Kellogg & the Sixers were no different. They'll probably never replace N2B's place in my heart, let's be real, but they were AWESOME! love.

Here's a snippet of each. I dare you to NOT find your lips singing along and your foot tapping away.

Stephen Kellogg & the Sixers


1 comment:

lenamarie said...

W.O.W. I never really jumped on the SK&the6ers bandwagon 'cause I always thought they sounded a bit Okie. =) You just think Stevie's hot, huh? hehehe

And P.S. my "word verfication" is undpk - lol