Exactly a week ago today I almost died. Jesus had His hands of protection on me as I drove in our Lightning/Tornado/Down-Pourage fest last Thursday. I was in the St. Johns area having a girls Bible Study when one of the leaders, who lived at the house we were at, came in and told us that we should probably leave now because there is a pretty bad storm coming; like REALLY bad. Didn't think too much of it.
Go downstairs, one of the girls says that a tornado hit down on 183. Awesome, the highway I need to take to go home. I walk out and lightning is lighting up the sky in a horrifically beautiful show of purple and magenta. I've never seen lightning and thunder just go non-stop like that. No rain so I'm thinking I can drive home no problem if it's just the light show.
Hit the road and 30 seconds later, Noah's flood gates open. No joke, it is raining HARD and SIDEWAYS. I call Roomie Em and she's at the gym in like a "lock down" as they wait out what this storm is going to do. As I'm driving I see cars parked in the under pass of the highway and realize that I have absolutely no idea of what to do in a tornado or drastic weather.
So I keep going. I can't explain the fear and panic that arose in me as I kept driving home in the largest storm I have ever seen. Lights and stores are completely dark as the power goes out everywhere. I'm being blinded by the lightning it was so close. I can't even see 3 feet in front of me because the rain is just pouring down. Tears were verging and I was praying the entire time. It was horrendous.
I finally pull up to our complex. No street lights on, obviously with no power, but that also meant our gates are closed. Rad. I have to park in front and run to the back of the complex to our place in the downpour of '09. After a little bit of running, my jeans were so soaked that I couldn't run anymore because of the weight.
I get to our apartment building. They've shut the storm doors. !!!! I scavenge my purse for my phone to use as light. Open storm doors. Get into apartment. Flip light switch and quickly realize how dependent I am on electricity. I find my laptop on the couch and open it to use as a greater source of light. Brilliant, I know. Run around apartment with laptop open looking for flashlights. Found them. Called mom to debrief my almost death experience. Let Roomie Em know I'm home. Roomie Em gets home, drenched. We scour our place for candles. After we find 5 candles, we sat down, watched the lightning show, and discussed how we need to really put an emergency kit together...and buy more candles.
After a couple tornadoes hitting our area, storm sirens going off all over Austin, many friends spending a good hour or so in their bathrooms, all is now well in Tejas! Why did I leave Cali again???

In preparation for the 6th movie of the Harry Potter series coming out in July, I've dedicated myself to re-reading the whole series again. Loser, yes I know I am. So, most evenings (and weekends) you will find me with my face in one of the books and I WILL finish by the time the movie opens.

New at work: We now have to keep our office doors closed at all times, even during the day when working. It kind of stinks, but it would suck even more if you didn't have an office with a window...oh wait, I don't. So, the fire marshals believe that it is safer for me to be in my office, in the middle of the building with no windows, with the door shut so if there is a fire, I'm barricaded in my little room with me and the copier to fend for ourselves. Swell. So stoked.

No worries, I am not slacking on my rowing skills. This last Monday our instructor included some fun circuit exercises into our sliding routine. Second time in my life when I felt like spewing after a workout. Means it was good, right???
That was my last week in a nutshell. Have a great Thursday, Folks!!