Well, Roomie Jamie came back from Cali bearing gifts from friends and pretty-much-family there and I just wanted to share with you guys what they were:
These gifts, my friends, are so completely and utterly ME. Do my loved ones know me or what???
Top left: Target gift cards - these pretty much have the same significance to me as diamonds. My future hubby could just as well put a Target gift card on that platinum band and I would be a happy camper.
Top right: TOMS shoes - For every pair you buy, they give a pair to a child who needs it. Besides having an awesome purpose, they are uber comfy too. These will be my second pair...ya just can't have too many TOMS.
Bottom right: Pride and Prejudice and Zombies by Jane Austen and Seth Grahame-Smith - I heart Jane Austen novels. Throw in Zombies and it could only make it more rad. =) Thank you, Kevin and Elaine, for knowing me and my humor SO well!
Bottom left: Dewey by Vicki Myron - Love books. Love cats. Combine the two and it will equal a sobbing Mariko.
Underneath it all: "I Need Africa More Than Africa Needs Me" t-shirt - Africa has a special place in my heart. Mocha Club put out this shirt as another way to raise awareness and funds to help bring aid to the orphaned, starving, uneducated, and disease inflicted of Africa. I love sporting things with a purpose!
Not pictured: I also got some cash and since we all know what that looks like, I decided it need not be in the picture. I have a love/hate relationship with cash. When I have it, I feel the need to spend it right away and never for anything I really need. Go fig... Jamie's also ordering me one of her prints that she did awhile ago and I've always loved it. And since I am her protege it only makes sense that I have one of her prints put up somewhere. =) Can't wait to get it!
It wasn't so much the gifts themselves that made this birthday special, but what they represented. My friends know me sometimes better than I do! It just meant a lot to see that reflected in what they gave.
Thank you so much, Austin-friends and Cali-friends!!! You all made ringing in year 27 special!!