We ate, we played games, shopped, watched a movie, and just spent some awesome time together. It's always hard to say bye though, but at least I'll see my parents in a few weeks for Christmas.
- Mariko Marie
- grateful daughter/protective sister/committed friend/surrendered believer/adventure finder/hope seeker/servant-of-love
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Gobble, Gobble '09
Hanging with the rents and bro was so great. Andrew brought his girlfriend, Amanda, to spend some time with us too. It was nice having her there and getting to know her better. She's a sweet gal and great for my brother. Still so strange to think that he's growing up so fast!!!
We ate, we played games, shopped, watched a movie, and just spent some awesome time together. It's always hard to say bye though, but at least I'll see my parents in a few weeks for Christmas.

We ate, we played games, shopped, watched a movie, and just spent some awesome time together. It's always hard to say bye though, but at least I'll see my parents in a few weeks for Christmas.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
I know, I know....

Yes, David, I know, I know....
This blogger hasn't been doing her blog duties: reading blogs and posting blogs. When I open up Google Reader after neglecting it for so long and seeing I have over 500 new posts to read, I admit, I move my little mouse to "Mark all as read" and try to do better next time.
Let's sum up what's been goin down since the last time I was on here:
Job....new position, exhausted, rewarding and yet also tough.
Cali.....cousins wedding, reception had sushi bar=awesome.
Thrill the World.....yep, sure did.
Hair....chopped it.
Glee......my new most absolute FAVE show right now.
Christmas tree.....already up.
Tomorrow I fly out to NC to visit with my parents, brother and his girlfriend for Thanksgiving. They live in a small town outside of Raleigh and it's absolutely beautiful there. I'm so excited to just spend time and rest with my family while playing games and eating some goooooood food.
Hope you all have a GREAT Thanksgiving!!!
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Angel Fire, Albuquerque, and AWESOMENESS
I've been failing in blog land. There's just been several things taking up my time lately and having epic times with friends has been one of them. We headed to Angel Fire, NM to enjoy some mountain time and then went to Albuquerque to visit with some of Em's friends. It was such a blast climbing a mountain, (falling down a mountain), taking pics, laughing hysterically, and meeting new peeps.
Thursday, August 6, 2009
My Home...or I have too much time on my hands
It's been awhile. Shame, shame on me. To make up for my lack of posts, here's a long one.
I've been super obsessed with home design blogs. I have no decorating creativity whatsoever, but I'm GREAT at replicating. So, after spending an embarrassing amount of time looking at blogs and HGTV type blogs/sites, I've accumulated pics that would make up my ideal home. Please, come in....
When you walk into my humble abode, you'll most likely cross a foyer such as this.
Love those double doors and the splash of yellow and purple on the table.
Then I'd lead you into my living room.
Sit down, relax, take a load off, and let's chat.
Help me in the kitchen? Well, sure...let's go.
Option 1: I absolutely dig these colors. White, baby blue, green, and yellow=awesome.
Option 2: Add the colors from above to this kitchen and BAM that's my perfect kitchen. Lovin' the space, the windowed cupboards, and chair style...and the stinkin TV above the stove!!! Holler!!
Option 3: Kay, very small piece of the kitchen, but you just can't say no to a yellow chair and windows that over look trees.
Well, now that dinner is ready, let's head into the dining area.
I think wherever you eat, it needs to be bright and cheery, because eating is a joy and makes you happy....at least it does for me. Minus the monstrous seahorses and hard liquor cart, this is exactly where I want to satisfy my tummy.
I just thought this was a very cute color combo...again, the yellow chairs.
This was just such a cute, eclectic nook I thought I would throw it in.
What? You have to pee? Let me show you to the guest powder room...
A bright bathroom is just as awesome as a bright dining room.
Of course you can see what our master bathroom looks like! It is one of the most important rooms in the house!
Bathroom 1: Love the space and windows. My perfect house can have average rooms everywhere EXCEPT the master bath. The master bath needs to be the size of a small kingdom.
Bathroom 2: I've always wanted a bath tub with feet. How cute is this?? Loving the high ceilings. Now combine this somehow with Bathroom 1 and, VOILA, perfection.
Well, since you've already toured our bathrooms, might as well take you through the rest of the home.
This is my study. This is where I....don't draw, work on my novel, or finish my doctoral dissertation,.....but where I stalk blogs, do an occasional puzzle, and have my quiet time with Jesus. Don't you love my blue oil lamp??? (Is that even what an oil lamp is?)
Where would you sleep if you were to stay over? Come this way.
Guest Room 1: Great for your kiddo's. Hope they like earth tones!
Guest Room 2: Here's where you guys would stay. Cozy, right?
Guest room 3: If you don't like the first room, feel free to move to another room!
The master bedroom is right this way.
I love a variety of colors. Ever since Home Alone, I've always thought having a fireplace in your bedroom was so cool. And that plasma above it...radness!!
Well, we've gone through the whole house. Why thank you; I like it a lot too. Let's head out to our patio and share in some more convo's and possibly some drinks.
Option 1: I mean, just look at that view and openness!! I could spend many a night out there.
Option 2: Oh, Cabana Boy!!! My Pina Colada, please!
Option 3: Awesome festivities are foreseen to go down here. Fun and funky.
Well, there ya have it. Hope you feel like you know me that much more now. Our friendship/bond has grown to a deeper level. You're welcome. =)
All pics were from House Beautiful. I encourage you to mosey on over there and create your ideal home when you're bored, don't want to do work, or have nothing better to do with your time!!
I've been super obsessed with home design blogs. I have no decorating creativity whatsoever, but I'm GREAT at replicating. So, after spending an embarrassing amount of time looking at blogs and HGTV type blogs/sites, I've accumulated pics that would make up my ideal home. Please, come in....
When you walk into my humble abode, you'll most likely cross a foyer such as this.

Then I'd lead you into my living room.

Help me in the kitchen? Well, sure...let's go.

Well, now that dinner is ready, let's head into the dining area.

What? You have to pee? Let me show you to the guest powder room...

Of course you can see what our master bathroom looks like! It is one of the most important rooms in the house!

Well, since you've already toured our bathrooms, might as well take you through the rest of the home.

Where would you sleep if you were to stay over? Come this way.

The master bedroom is right this way.

Well, we've gone through the whole house. Why thank you; I like it a lot too. Let's head out to our patio and share in some more convo's and possibly some drinks.

Well, there ya have it. Hope you feel like you know me that much more now. Our friendship/bond has grown to a deeper level. You're welcome. =)
All pics were from House Beautiful. I encourage you to mosey on over there and create your ideal home when you're bored, don't want to do work, or have nothing better to do with your time!!
Monday, July 20, 2009
Friends make me smile
So I gave both my roomies a hard time for being out of town on my birthday. I mean, I can't believe they didn't have that day marked on their calendars with a bold Sharpie, highlighted, and outlined in sequins. Well, lucky for them, I ended up having a great birthday thanks to a Ms. Casey. Dinner with the Lipscombs at Maudie's and then to the movies, it was just the relaxing kind of birthday I wanted. I can't say enough how truly blessed I am at the people God has brought into my life since moving here. Thanks mucho, Friend!!
Well, Roomie Jamie came back from Cali bearing gifts from friends and pretty-much-family there and I just wanted to share with you guys what they were:

These gifts, my friends, are so completely and utterly ME. Do my loved ones know me or what???
Top left: Target gift cards - these pretty much have the same significance to me as diamonds. My future hubby could just as well put a Target gift card on that platinum band and I would be a happy camper.
Top right: TOMS shoes - For every pair you buy, they give a pair to a child who needs it. Besides having an awesome purpose, they are uber comfy too. These will be my second pair...ya just can't have too many TOMS.
Bottom right: Pride and Prejudice and Zombies by Jane Austen and Seth Grahame-Smith - I heart Jane Austen novels. Throw in Zombies and it could only make it more rad. =) Thank you, Kevin and Elaine, for knowing me and my humor SO well!
Bottom left: Dewey by Vicki Myron - Love books. Love cats. Combine the two and it will equal a sobbing Mariko.
Underneath it all: "I Need Africa More Than Africa Needs Me" t-shirt - Africa has a special place in my heart. Mocha Club put out this shirt as another way to raise awareness and funds to help bring aid to the orphaned, starving, uneducated, and disease inflicted of Africa. I love sporting things with a purpose!
Not pictured: I also got some cash and since we all know what that looks like, I decided it need not be in the picture. I have a love/hate relationship with cash. When I have it, I feel the need to spend it right away and never for anything I really need. Go fig... Jamie's also ordering me one of her prints that she did awhile ago and I've always loved it. And since I am her protege it only makes sense that I have one of her prints put up somewhere. =) Can't wait to get it!
It wasn't so much the gifts themselves that made this birthday special, but what they represented. My friends know me sometimes better than I do! It just meant a lot to see that reflected in what they gave.
Thank you so much, Austin-friends and Cali-friends!!! You all made ringing in year 27 special!!
Well, Roomie Jamie came back from Cali bearing gifts from friends and pretty-much-family there and I just wanted to share with you guys what they were:
These gifts, my friends, are so completely and utterly ME. Do my loved ones know me or what???
Top left: Target gift cards - these pretty much have the same significance to me as diamonds. My future hubby could just as well put a Target gift card on that platinum band and I would be a happy camper.
Top right: TOMS shoes - For every pair you buy, they give a pair to a child who needs it. Besides having an awesome purpose, they are uber comfy too. These will be my second pair...ya just can't have too many TOMS.
Bottom right: Pride and Prejudice and Zombies by Jane Austen and Seth Grahame-Smith - I heart Jane Austen novels. Throw in Zombies and it could only make it more rad. =) Thank you, Kevin and Elaine, for knowing me and my humor SO well!
Bottom left: Dewey by Vicki Myron - Love books. Love cats. Combine the two and it will equal a sobbing Mariko.
Underneath it all: "I Need Africa More Than Africa Needs Me" t-shirt - Africa has a special place in my heart. Mocha Club put out this shirt as another way to raise awareness and funds to help bring aid to the orphaned, starving, uneducated, and disease inflicted of Africa. I love sporting things with a purpose!
Not pictured: I also got some cash and since we all know what that looks like, I decided it need not be in the picture. I have a love/hate relationship with cash. When I have it, I feel the need to spend it right away and never for anything I really need. Go fig... Jamie's also ordering me one of her prints that she did awhile ago and I've always loved it. And since I am her protege it only makes sense that I have one of her prints put up somewhere. =) Can't wait to get it!
It wasn't so much the gifts themselves that made this birthday special, but what they represented. My friends know me sometimes better than I do! It just meant a lot to see that reflected in what they gave.
Thank you so much, Austin-friends and Cali-friends!!! You all made ringing in year 27 special!!
Friday, July 17, 2009
Lovin the Lobby
One thing that Cali is missing out on that could re-define the entire state as a whole is Hobby Lobby. This store is one of the greatest stores of all time. No joke. And what makes it uber rad is that everything is always on SALE. When have you walked into a Hobby Lobby and not seen those beautiful such-and-such percentage off papers everywhere??? ...Never, exactly.
I made the bad mistake the other day of venturing into the Lobby while they had the mother of all sales. 50% off of EVERYTHING. That's pretty darn close to free in my book. So, I give props to myself for only walking out with just 2 super awesome relics instead of 23,893 super awesome relics.
Story behind this: I am absolutely in love/obsessed with skeleton keys. My eyes have radar for these puppies. I have a small collection of keys that were gifts or I've purchased. I love venturing into antique stores to go on my own search and rescue for these awesome pieces of history. 2 main reasons for this love: first, they just look really cool, and second, it's like holding a piece of someone else's history from generations ago. Where did this key lead to? What did it unlock? Who owned it? And for that, I treasure these little pieces of radness.
I made the bad mistake the other day of venturing into the Lobby while they had the mother of all sales. 50% off of EVERYTHING. That's pretty darn close to free in my book. So, I give props to myself for only walking out with just 2 super awesome relics instead of 23,893 super awesome relics.
Story behind this: I am absolutely in love/obsessed with skeleton keys. My eyes have radar for these puppies. I have a small collection of keys that were gifts or I've purchased. I love venturing into antique stores to go on my own search and rescue for these awesome pieces of history. 2 main reasons for this love: first, they just look really cool, and second, it's like holding a piece of someone else's history from generations ago. Where did this key lead to? What did it unlock? Who owned it? And for that, I treasure these little pieces of radness.
Thursday, July 9, 2009
A video, of course...
I know, I know...he's gone, he's been mourned, and he's buried, but this post should be part 2 of my last post regarding the MJ sing-a-long. I mean, what event/adventure do we have that is not accompanied with a video/slideshow???
Saturday, July 4, 2009
It's 7:45 pm on Saturday evening and I am fighting the eye-lid gods in keeping them open. Exhaustion has hit...HARD. Why, you may ask. Well, last night, or I should say way, way, way early this morning, my friends and I partook in one of the greatest tributes to the Legend we lost last week. The Alamo Drafthouse had put on a Michael Jackson Tribute Sing-A-Long last weekend and this weekend. Needless to say it was the best way we could've celebrated the life of one of the most talented people to walk this earth.
The festivities began at 12:30 AM (yes, folks, AM as in "Mariko is usually in REM at this time" AM). We sang hard. We danced hard. We dressed hard...core (fedora hats and all). We did it all for MJ.
The signature Michael pose:

The festivities began at 12:30 AM (yes, folks, AM as in "Mariko is usually in REM at this time" AM). We sang hard. We danced hard. We dressed hard...core (fedora hats and all). We did it all for MJ.
The signature Michael pose:

Monday, June 29, 2009
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Lovin' on: church, leaders, and albums
I've mentioned several times on here that I love my church so much. I've never been more encouraged, challenged, and blessed by a group of people in my life. The leaders at the Stone shepherd with passionate love for Jesus and His people. They motivate the church to action through scripture and leading by example. They chase and grasp for God's heart and He has blown me away at how He works in and through a people who offer real, honest, willing hearts.
Aaron Ivey is one of the worship leaders at The Stone. What I appreciate about him is his sincerity and ability to be so real when on stage. I think Ivey's one of the most amazing musician/song writers out there...and I'm not just saying that because it's my church. =) What I've come to love is his raw-ness of lyrics and how they are so genuine of the heart. The words are simple, alive, and true. There a few songs on his new album that we sing in church and I truly feel that the lyrics were Spirit-weaved (...woven??? weaved???....) God's favor and annointing is on Ivey and I am grateful that he has recognized his gifting and is using it for God's glory.
With that to say I think YOU should download his new album, Between the Beauty & Chaos, on iTunes by clicking the banner above. Let God rock your world through the words.
Another super rad thing about Ivey (and his crew) is his heart for justice. As I've been reading through Psalms lately, I've been convicted of how highly God desires justice; hand-in-hand with righteousness.
"The Lord loves righteousness and justice..." Ps. 33:5
"He will make your righteousness shine like the dawn, the justice of your cause like the noonday sun." Ps. 37:6
"For the Lord loves the just and will not forsake his faithful ones." Ps. 37:28
The list goes on. We are called to be righteous, holy, and to do what is right. Be the voice for the voice-less. To embrace the broken and the hurting with compassion. To let Jesus shine through our actions of love. To "distribute what we have that all may taste and see." The lyrics to one of his songs has been resonating in my heart and prayers and that is what I'll leave you with...
Aaron Ivey, Matt Carter. ©2009 IVEYMUSIC. (ASCAP)
Aaron Ivey is one of the worship leaders at The Stone. What I appreciate about him is his sincerity and ability to be so real when on stage. I think Ivey's one of the most amazing musician/song writers out there...and I'm not just saying that because it's my church. =) What I've come to love is his raw-ness of lyrics and how they are so genuine of the heart. The words are simple, alive, and true. There a few songs on his new album that we sing in church and I truly feel that the lyrics were Spirit-weaved (...woven??? weaved???....) God's favor and annointing is on Ivey and I am grateful that he has recognized his gifting and is using it for God's glory.
With that to say I think YOU should download his new album, Between the Beauty & Chaos, on iTunes by clicking the banner above. Let God rock your world through the words.
Another super rad thing about Ivey (and his crew) is his heart for justice. As I've been reading through Psalms lately, I've been convicted of how highly God desires justice; hand-in-hand with righteousness.
"The Lord loves righteousness and justice..." Ps. 33:5
"He will make your righteousness shine like the dawn, the justice of your cause like the noonday sun." Ps. 37:6
"For the Lord loves the just and will not forsake his faithful ones." Ps. 37:28
The list goes on. We are called to be righteous, holy, and to do what is right. Be the voice for the voice-less. To embrace the broken and the hurting with compassion. To let Jesus shine through our actions of love. To "distribute what we have that all may taste and see." The lyrics to one of his songs has been resonating in my heart and prayers and that is what I'll leave you with...
Aaron Ivey, Matt Carter. ©2009 IVEYMUSIC. (ASCAP)
Give us a love for peace
Move us to brokenness
Our generosity
release from poverty
Your Kingdom here and now
To the least of these
Distribute what we have
That all may taste and see
Let Your Kingdom come
Let Your will be done
And all the Earth will say
And echo angels’ praise
That You are God
So, let the sick run free
The orphan find her home
The captured man will know
Release from slavery
Your Kingdom here and now
To the least of these
Distribute what we have
That all may taste and see
Let Your Kingdom come
Let Your will be done
And all the Earth will say
And echo angels’ praise
That You are God
We pray and ask for hope
We pray and ask for peace
We pray and ask for justice
We pray and ask for You
Be rad and buy the album!!!
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Happy Father's Day, Dad!

My dad has told me that since the day I was an infant, he would pray over me in my crib every night. In every decision I've had to make and every path I had to choose, he would always re-affirm that he would stand by me 100% if he knew I was seeking God's will and guidance. I know that I wouldn't be who I am today or where I'm at if it wasn't for him giving me to the Lord from day one.
Dad, you are a greater father than I could have ever asked for! I love you and thank you for everything!!
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Happy Birthday, Li'l Bro!!!

Being an only child for 6 years of my life got kind of lonely after awhile so when I was getting a sibling I just remember being beyond elated! I had someone to do whatever I wanted all the time! I remember loving that baby brother of mine so much. I thought he was the cutest baby ever (I mean look at the above picture!). I couldn't wait till he grew up and could actually play with me.
Through the years, I did the typical older sister stuff: dressed him up in my dress-up clothes (all girl clothes), always telling him he was too young to put together his Lego sets because I really wanted to do it, tried to convince him that he was found in a cow pasture, embarrassed him in front of his friends. It was great.
I loved watching him grow: taking his first steps, teaching him to swim, going to all his little league games, going to all his high school football games, and then watching him go off to boot camp and join the coast guard. He went from annoying little brother to someone I can laugh the hardest with.
I love you much, Andrew! Happy 21st Birthday!!! (be good!!!!)
Thursday, June 18, 2009
What's new???

Go downstairs, one of the girls says that a tornado hit down on 183. Awesome, the highway I need to take to go home. I walk out and lightning is lighting up the sky in a horrifically beautiful show of purple and magenta. I've never seen lightning and thunder just go non-stop like that. No rain so I'm thinking I can drive home no problem if it's just the light show.
Hit the road and 30 seconds later, Noah's flood gates open. No joke, it is raining HARD and SIDEWAYS. I call Roomie Em and she's at the gym in like a "lock down" as they wait out what this storm is going to do. As I'm driving I see cars parked in the under pass of the highway and realize that I have absolutely no idea of what to do in a tornado or drastic weather.
So I keep going. I can't explain the fear and panic that arose in me as I kept driving home in the largest storm I have ever seen. Lights and stores are completely dark as the power goes out everywhere. I'm being blinded by the lightning it was so close. I can't even see 3 feet in front of me because the rain is just pouring down. Tears were verging and I was praying the entire time. It was horrendous.
I finally pull up to our complex. No street lights on, obviously with no power, but that also meant our gates are closed. Rad. I have to park in front and run to the back of the complex to our place in the downpour of '09. After a little bit of running, my jeans were so soaked that I couldn't run anymore because of the weight.
I get to our apartment building. They've shut the storm doors. !!!! I scavenge my purse for my phone to use as light. Open storm doors. Get into apartment. Flip light switch and quickly realize how dependent I am on electricity. I find my laptop on the couch and open it to use as a greater source of light. Brilliant, I know. Run around apartment with laptop open looking for flashlights. Found them. Called mom to debrief my almost death experience. Let Roomie Em know I'm home. Roomie Em gets home, drenched. We scour our place for candles. After we find 5 candles, we sat down, watched the lightning show, and discussed how we need to really put an emergency kit together...and buy more candles.
After a couple tornadoes hitting our area, storm sirens going off all over Austin, many friends spending a good hour or so in their bathrooms, all is now well in Tejas! Why did I leave Cali again???

That was my last week in a nutshell. Have a great Thursday, Folks!!
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