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grateful daughter/protective sister/committed friend/surrendered believer/adventure finder/hope seeker/servant-of-love

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Bloggie fun

I have some faults. One is that I'm probably the most indecisive person known to man. Don't ask me to make executive decisions because my answer will most likely always be, "I'm good with anything." Hopefully when I'm being proposed to I get that fixed and those words don't come out when he pops the question. When I was a teeny bopper and my friends and I would go to the store to stock up on candy for a movie, they seriously could've got their goods, went to watch the 2 hour movie, come back and I would still be walking up and down that candy aisle trying to figure out what I want.

Another fault of mine is not sticking with one thing for very long. This only applies to materialistic things in my life. Routines, I don't like to switch up. Purses, shoes, blog backgrounds, these all need to be changed up on a consistent basis. Hence my new background. Found a cute blog, Simply Chic Blog, that has way cute backgrounds and they're FREE. The magic word.

Anyway, if you're like me and just can't "sit still" with the same blog background for a long period of time, check them out!!


Jamie Lapeyrolerie said...

Me gusta!

Krista said...

ok... i'm blog inept i guess... how do you make a new background through that site? i'm confused! =(