What's been going on lately....
I was in Cali from Thursday till Monday visiting friends and doing some bride celebration for my friend who is getting married next month. Mr. Earthquake decided to welcome me even on our first evening there. That was sweet. As always, my trips to Cali are just too short and I definitely don't feel like I fit everything in those few days that I would like. If I missed you this time around, I'll get ya next month for sure!! Pics will come later of that trip.
Works been keeping me on my toes. =) I'm learning patience like I've never had to before, so that's good, right?? The Lord brought the right people in my life at work to keep the giggles going during stressful times, so for that I'm way grateful.
During my spare time lately, I've been: re-reading Harry Potter so that I'll be done with the series when the next movie comes out; catching up on Lost episodes online from season 1 (guess I'm now on the Lost band-wagon); enjoying the bright colors that come with spring taking over Austin...BEAUTIFUL; and trying to grasp moments in the time flying by to embrace the love of God and live it out.
So I leave you with a picture of Laguna Beach that was taken while we were at the beach this last weekend. There's nothing more soothing then the ocean, I think. Ahhh....

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