That's what went through my mind in that sequence within the first 1 minute of walking out my door this morning. I walked out my door to head to work and am greeted by satan...or in layman's terms, a snake. !!!! Snakes aren't supposed to be outside of the amazon unless they are in glass cages at zoos so why it was chilling out by our front door is beyond me. Yuck...
I never thought I had an issue with snakes, but that wasn't until they tried to devour my house and home and all that is within it. If I see one of satan's spawns in my home ever, I'm getting on the highway and heading back to Cali where snakes are confined in their natural habitats of glass reptile aquariums. Ew...
I could barely breathe let alone take out my phone to snap a pic of Lucifer, but he looked just like what this fella is holding...and pretty similar in size too. Almost positive...

hmmm...this sounds a little bit like a post our mutual friends would write about a lizard. ;)
I'm sure it was TERRIFYING, MM.
Really? It was that big? What is that--a boa constricter?
Just do like Kevin Hill and stomp on the head. =) You can do it. You've been to Africa! =)
That is NASTY. It's a good thing that he was gone by the time I left. I forgot what you texted me by the time I left, so I would have screamed. Loud.
Sick little punk - stalking our apt.
My friend, Alicia, just got bit by a cottonmouth snake yesterday! Watch out, they'll get ya!
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