So it's happened: I have now come to enjoy John Mayer's muzak.
I feel as though I've betrayed my blog as I posted a while back my confession of not following mainstream America in being a fan of JM and how he actually annoyed me. Maybe it's because he's come on my Pandora often and his voice has brought me soothing comfort throughout my work day as I encounter frustrations and a "thorn in my side." Or maybe it's because his songs have relaxed me to the point of not taking my life in my own hands during the hours of 7-4, M-F. Whatever it may be, JM, I don't cringe anymore when you sing. Consider that a HUGE're welcome.

"Thorn in my side"
Gee, I hope JM doesn't google himself & follow the link to your scathing remarks about him. =)
He's kinda grown on me too. I liked his old stuff, as in Room for Squares, but I like Gravity and a few new songs too. I LOVE him live because he really is a phenomenal guitarist. I think I have to be in the mood to listen to him though...or just once every few songs, like on Pandora, is fine.
But I still hate Waiting On The World To Change.
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