2. I got to see my parents!!! They flew in for the wedding too.
3. I got to hang out with close friends and their new roomie from Wisconsin! Welcome, Sheena!
4. I got to see Jamie and Elaine shoot a wedding. They awesomely rock at it!!! I'm so proud!

5. And the best part...Mickey and Minnie made an appearance at the wedding!!!
Me, the **Pho-Dawgs, and the special wedding guests
It was a short but sweet trip back home to SoCal...my first time back since the move. I miss everyone already, but I shall see you next month!
**Some of you may know, I like to shorten words so it doesn't take much vocal effort to say. Example: Memories - mems; family - fam; parents - rents; vacation - vaca. What's the point of saying the whole word when you can abbreviate it and still get the same point across? Save that breath for something better and more worthy. Photographer is such a syllable greedy word. I was quickly getting tired of saying it in it's entirety. So, I shortened it to photogs. But then, I went even a step further and made it culturally relevant and hip. Pho-dawgs, my friends! Re-inventing the photographer...
You and your "pho-dawgs." You are such a nerd. Let's just be honest about it.
I'm so glad I get Del again in approx one month and 7 days.
Mariko looked hot at the wedding!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mariko ALWAYS looks hot.
I'm told only Californians abbreviate words, but I don't think that's true. But thanks for the explanation on words that some peeps may not get due to your culturally relevant abbreviations.
aww yay, I got a GREAT welcome!
Thanks for the shout out :)
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