Last week, I thought I lost some taste buds. I came into a near panic. To the left you see a diagram of the human tongue. Now, the section of my tongue that I could sense some abnormalties was right in the area between both "salts" and "sweet." When I saw this, my heart started beating little faster because I was thinking of what I had eaten that day and realized that what I was eating wasn't as salty as it should have been. Same thing with something I had eaten that should have been a little sweeter. I LOVE all things salty and sweet. Of all the places on my tongue to lose taste, this would be the only section that would lunge me into misery! What have I done?!
I then tried to figure out what I did I do to send myself into my own personal hell with the loss of my salt/sweet taste buds. First, I thought it was because I was brushing my tongue too hard. But then I realized I don't just brush the tip of my tongue...can't be it. I came upon the only explanation it could be: I bought these really minty and strong Japanese cough drops because my throat was kind of sore and I may have abused them to the extent of ruining my joy in taste. Well, after a couple days of worry and stress, I realized I was getting taste back to that part of my tongue. Whew! Relief overwhelmed me.
You'll be happy to know that now I am only using mild, cherry flavored throat lozenges to subdue my scratchy throat and no longer bring torture to my tongue. Be kind to your taste feelers, friends!!!
Glad that worked out for ya. I can't imagine not being able to enjoy chocolate covered pretzels ever again. That would be a travesty indeed.
I burned my tongue on hot chocolate in high school and sometimes my tongue does the dissolving thing. It's strange, I'll have to show you sometime.
Watashi wa gohan o tabemasu!!
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