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grateful daughter/protective sister/committed friend/surrendered believer/adventure finder/hope seeker/servant-of-love

Sunday, September 28, 2008


My church, Austin Stone Community Church, is starting this vision series focusing on being a church for the city instead of just being a church in the city. I feel that most Christians in America today have forgotten our purpose as the body of believers. Our sole function as followers of Jesus isn't to congregate once, sometimes twice a week in a building of some sort, talk about the Bible, and pray for each other. Yes, that is a part of what we are called to do and it is important, but we are meant for more than that. I fully believe that this series will awaken us to be who we are called to be.

I'm tired of being a Christian of just words. I have compassion on others; my heart breaks when I see people in need. I have a hard time having compassion on the wealthy who spend money on useless materialistic items while purposely ignoring the starving right down the street. But am I much better than that? Do I act on my compassion? Do I act on the love that God has overwhelmingly poured over me? I need to do more than think an empathetic thought and say a little prayer. I need to BE love and not just to the ones outwardly in need, but to the ones that outwardly look like they have everything together, but inwardly are agonizing in pain. How?

I’ve noticed that I “blame” or associate my non-dramatic, almost non-passionate way of life on my very laid back and easy going demeanor. I don’t “freak out” hardly at all at things. I usually and most of the time keep my calm during situations that would cause those around me to go ballistic. I’ve now seen how this has in a big way effected my life of being a disciple of Jesus. I guess the best way I can describe it is that I’ve strolled through life when it concerned really reaching out to the lost. I’d pray for them, do something that involved serving a few times a year, talk about my faith a few times with co-workers, but that’s about it. I want this to change.

Just recently as we’ve started this vision series, my prayer has been that I run after the hearts of the lost. That I don’t let my melancholy personality get in the way of chasing after those who are hurting and in pain and just love on them with all that God has given me. Obviously, I don’t mean running after random peeps on the streets and full body tackle them to the ground. As amusing as that may be, it probably won’t get the right point across.

While really thinking and praying about how this would look like in my life, the words of a song by Charlie Hall kept going through my mind and that’s what I would like to leave you with. Run with the heart of the One who saved you and BE love to somebody today!

Let me see the whole world through Your eyes
Let this generation wake and rise
Running with Your heart, with Your heart
Bring Your kingdom, joy and freedom
Light to all the world
Rain down heaven's power and presence
Light to all the world
Feel what You feel, Love what you love
Go where you go, that's what we want
(Running With Your Heart, Charlie Hall)


Jaci Bounds said...

This is awesome Mariko! Your passion is inspiring and overflowing. I love knowing that God has called us to something so much greater than ourselves and the things of this world.

sheena marie said...

I agree with Jaci!

lenamarie said...

You know, this weekend my aunt was suggesting various jobs to me, and one was being a hostess at a nice hotel or something, and I immediately said, "No, I don't want to be around rich people." Being my instictive reaction, the idea of being around the wealthy is obviously abhorrent to me, but then it just occurred to me as I read your post that they are the lost too. God loves them too and I ought to as well. No matter how much it sickens me to see how they live their lives and their priorities, God still loves them and wants them to be saved. And they're the hardest people to reach out to. I think we need to remember (especiall you, Jamie & myself 'cause we talk about it a lot) that we can't judge the wealthy--we have to love them too. ACCOUNTABILITY PARTNERS?!