Growing up, my favorite season, hands down, was always summer. There were a few factors as to why during my grade school years, summer was what I looked forward to the most.
Summer meant:
1. My birthday was just around the corner (July)
2. No school
3. Endless hours of swimming (I was convinced I was a mermaid in a previous life)
4. Vacations to Japan (LOVED flying as a child)
5. Youth group bonfires at the beach
I loved summer!
Now that I am a smidgen older than grade school age, summer doesn't exude the same spirit as it used to:
1. My birthday is now just a reminder of me getting closer to 30
2. School is long gone and done
3. Heaven knows this body ain't meant to be seen in public in a swim suit anymore
4. I've realized Japan is still there in the fall
5. I live in Texas now; there are no beaches

I've noticed the past few years that there is a new season that brings warmth to my heart, a smile to my face, and good food to my tummy. I have fallen in love with fall! I love fall; I do. Hot drinks, yummy pastries, warm blankets, and the aroma of a cinnamon, spice, and pumpkin mixture intoxicating your surroundings...ahhhh... I love fall. I've noticed this past week that fall decor has come out from hibernation and has filled the seasonal sections of our stores! I walked by Bath and Body Works the other day and the aroma of their fall collection of "cinnamon sticks," "pumpkin caramel," and "spiced cider" carressed my nostrils and I literally did a 180 and walked in as tears practically came to my eyes; FALL IS HERE! So, I thought I'd do my part in speeding the process of the seasonal change by buying some Sweet Cinnamon Pumpkin soap.
Embrace fall, Friends!!!'s the new summer.
OH Mariko, you are too funny.
Holler for the smell of cinnamon & spices. I'm so ready for the cooler weather to come already.
I am with you in this celebration. Fall also means getting to carve pumpkins which is one of my all time favorite things!
I was never a fall person really because it always made me think of school starting... it still does :-) but now that I am older, I am definitely feeling very fond of fall, more so than I ever thought possible... ahh fall...
I couldn't agree with you more. I love fall! I DIDN'T KNOW YOU HAD A BLOG, officemate!
I could not more agree with you love of Fall. I am obsessed with everything in the Fall...especially pumpkin bread and candles!
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