- Mariko Marie
- grateful daughter/protective sister/committed friend/surrendered believer/adventure finder/hope seeker/servant-of-love
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Save Reagan
Missional Community-Reagan High School from The Austin Stone on Vimeo.
When I heard that the state is planning to shut down Reagan High School, I was shocked. It broke my heart watching this video in church, hearing the statistics of the low number of students that would continue with school if Reagan is closed, and seeing the students pouring their own efforts into saving their school.
I'm a professional at seeing or hearing about a bad situation, having my heart break, start feeling sorry, and then do nothing about it. That is awful. I hate that about me. I wanted this to be different. When I saw the several ways to get involved to help save Reagan, I knew it was just too simple to not do anything. There were things like tutoring, going to sporting events, cleaning up around campus, and adopting a teacher...whatever that looked like, but it sounded simple yet significant.
When I first signed up, they said that the major needs for the weekend was tutoring and cleaning up around campus. Then I received another email saying that due to the TAKS testing this week, they will mainly just need tutors. To be honest, I was leaning more toward the cleaning since it has been a very long time since I have done anything educational. I could picture how the tutoring would go: I'd be sitting with a kid who avoids eye contact and would have the enthusiasm of a water heater as a result of having to be in a library studying on a Saturday morning, while I stare blankly at their studying materials and create awkward silence...for 3 hours.
It turned out to be AWESOME. Not only were the students I was working with eager to learn and anxious to do well, I actually knew what I was talking about! Apparently I'm decent at revising and editing! ...who knew.
The particular boy I was helping out with improved his revising and editing from getting about half right on the first story to everything correct on our fourth and last story! And he said that he was failing English! I was so proud and I pray that he continues to improve.
These kids were an encouragement to me. I knew their family situations may not be that great yet they were motivated to try and do better in school. They were receptive and comfortable enough to joke around with us throughout our time there. As we were leaving they even asked if we would be there next Saturday!
Again, the Lord showed me that whenever I go into something with the mindset of hoping to be of help, I always come out feeling that I was the one that was blessed by the experience. I am very excited to continue tutoring and serving at Reagan High School in whatever way is needed to help this school stay open for these awesome kids.
Thursday, February 26, 2009

Incidentally, when Google-imaging large calves for this post, this image came up:

I mean, aren't these just the cutest legs you have ever seen?!?! Now if I had legs that were similar to these, I just don't think I would get the same reaction.

Now, let me make it clear that I love sports and sporting events. I grew up going to California Angel games all the time...back when there were only 8 of us in the stands and 4 of them being my fam. I love watching sports live. I do. And I really do believe that sports has a way of bringing community amongst a group of people, whether it be by location or obsession.
What I can't seem to wrap my mind around is why we are paying more money to entertainers and athletes and taking away from those who are actually making a difference in this world by molding and shaping the future of our nation.
I'm not a political person nor do I know much about government and economics and all that fun stuff. I'm not sure how it all works with how, when, where our money is spent. I don't even know if there is someone who is in a position to be able to say, "Ya know, maybe this isn't the wisest use of money right now with our country in a $700 billion debt crisis."
I just don't get it. All I know is that A-Rod and way too many more pro athletes and celebrities are sitting on more money than my mind can ever comprehend just for entertaining us, while my friends who work their butts off to raise up children who will do great things in life, will be out of jobs in a few months.
...thus, my LIVID-ness...
Tuesday, February 24, 2009

I want everything done now. I want things paid off now. I want to see results now. I'm not one to be gung-ho about seeing the fruition of my labor 23 years down the line. You might as well shoot me now if that was the case for something in particular in my life. This is really not a great mentality to have or a characteristic to be immensely lacking. Hence, my confession here.
There has been a major thorn in my side as of late. A thorn larger than any other thorn before. It's one of my credit cards. The amount I owe on it is quite larger than I would prefer and it causes me to enter a minor panic attack. I hate that it has that impact on me. I see that amount and I want it cleared NOW. All of it.
I started working out diligently a couple of weeks ago. I'm in a wedding in May and our dresses are strapless. Strapless dresses pretty much accentuate the areas of my body that need the most work done. This has been the sole motivation behind my running and doing weights 4 days a week and actually challenging myself physically. I am usually sore the next day, but I feel as though my body does not represent the results I want to see. Again, it's only been a couple of weeks, but I want to see the results NOW.
I'm not a patient person. I like to see results.
Today as I was going through one of those minor panic attacks about my lack of funds, a verse from a worship song came to mind.
Waiting involves patience. Me and my "I want answers and results now" mentality pretty much got showed what's up with that verse. Strength will come as I wait on God. As I'm patient. One thing I've learned in my 26 1/2 years of life is that my timing is not always, and usually never, God's timing.
I'm learning to give my burdens, my stress, and my impatience to the Lord and let Him have His way with me. I need to be patient and trust that God is doing a work in my life during this hard time. I need my eyes to see His guidance in all of this. I will wait upon the Lord.
Another Apology
This album is THE sweetness. This fine group of individuals opened up for Dave Barnes a couple weeks ago and their music has left my ears and soul changed for good. Check them out!
Went bowling Saturday night and my left lower extremities and right fore arm haven't been the same since. I'm getting old...OR I'm that good. You decide...
Pandora is one of the greatest, most convenient inventions to grace the internet since time began. It's a great way to listen to music at work and get introduced to artists that you will eventually fall in love with. Right now, Pandora is sending various doo wop sensations to my ear drums.
I truly love my church. To be a part of a group of individuals who find their purpose in the Lord and strive to live surrendered lives that give glory and fame to His name is so encouraging and challenging at the same time. Their heart for loving on the community is so humbling to me. I pray that I don't miss the opportunities to serve in Jesus' name and run with the heart of God along side my church family.

Saturday, February 14, 2009
An Apology
Friday, February 13, 2009
Dallas: Day 1
Monday, February 9, 2009
40 Days...you can do it!!

There is a vast population in this world where their only option for quenching their thirst is water infested with bacteria, worms, disease, dirt, and sewage. A few have the option of walking miles to the nearest fresh water well to carry their weight in water back to their homes. This is unimaginable to me.
Around 2 million people die each year due to illnesses caused by unsanitary water. 90% of that population are kids under the age of 5. !!! This is insane, Friends!
Blood:Water Mission is another great organization that I have followed for awhile now and their whole purpose and passion is to bring clean water to Africa by raising enough money to build 1,000 wells within that continent. One well can bring water to an entire village so think of how many lives will be saved due to access to clean water through all this!
One of the campaigns that they are running is this 40 Days of Water. Starting March 1st through April 9th they want to encourage people to only drink water and for every time you would buy a drink other than water within that time, put that money aside and use it to bring clean water to Africa and help save lives.
This is kind of hardcore for those of us who don't drink much water to begin with. I do drink a lot of water and it's still going to be hard for me. BUT if not drinking anything but water for 40 days will save even one child's life in Africa, it is totally worth it.
So, Blog Friends, I really, really, really want to encourage you guys to join in this with me. Starting March 1st ONLY drink water for the next 40 days. Any money you would spend on anything other than water, just save and give to help populate Africa with wells that will save so many lives by supplying clean water.
You guys have 19 days to empty and put away your coffee pots, tea pots, and non-H2O liquids. Time to get out and polish your Camelbacks, Nalgenes, or plastic water bottles and get ready to become BFF with them!
We can do this! I know we can!!
Friday, February 6, 2009
A Letter
I'm no relationship therapist or intervention specialist or a warden at the insane asylum that you folks apparently should be institutionalized at, but if I were, here is some advice I would give to you guys:
First: 1 am on a weeknight is NOT an appropriate time to have an argument that excels to a full blown out yelling profanity-fest....I'm speaking mainly to you, Mister.
Second: to you, Miss Thang, if my significant other ever referred to me (screaming at the top of his lungs) as "You Stupid F-ing B*tch" you can bet his @$$ would be drop kicked to the street as I get in my car and run over his ankles while I drive away.
Thirdly: If my woman was using all my money to get so sloshed at bars that she slept with heaven knows how many people, Sir, I would politely pack her things, put them in her car, change the locks, and keep the puppy because we know pets don't deserve to be exposed to such irresponsibility. You sort of didn't do this at all and decided to shut her whining apologies up by screaming choice words...obviously that didn't have much success.
Fourthly: Missie, if he's yelling (most likely because he suffers from voice modulation) "I don't f-ing care!!!! Go ahead and marry him!!!" I'm guessing he just doesn't consider what you two have together as that special. This is just a guess, but I'm wondering if it's because you have the characteristics of a traveling alcoholic whore house. But again, that's just my guess.
Fifthly: Back to you, Mr. Hot-Temper Pants, after you and the little lady's verbal brawl and she left the room/apartment, the considerate thing to do would have been maybe to wash your face, brush your teeth if the foul language left a dirty taste in your mouth, and get into bed to sleep it off. Now, here's where you went astray and decided, instead, to practice your shot-putting with 43 lb ice blocks, knock down refrigerators that you apparently have in your bedroom, and make as much noise as you possibly can, ya know, to just let us peeps downstairs know that you are alive and kickin still. I just don't know if the way you handled it was proper etiquette for this situation.
Sixthly: I am more than willing to adopt your doggie as you folks are most def not capable of being pet-parents. From the looks of it, the poor thing has been eating it's weight in puppy chow to deal with the stress of having owners who can't even keep their relationship alive much less a dogs. I would name him Pudge the Pug.
Seventhly: What's up with the vacuuming at 11 pm at night?? What kind of nocturnal fiends are you people??
I have not met you fine folks ever, but all that I have gathered about your relationship merely comes from your guys' lack of using your inside voices. I have seen you guys walking Pudge so I am aware of who you are and what you look like, and it's true: people who look completely normal can be psych ward patients.
You guys will probably never see or hear my great advice, most likely because I don't think you would ever take heed to it. So all I can do is pray: that you break up and one of you moves out, that you both move out, or that you seek extensive counseling.
Best of Luck...
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Song Crush #2
Song Crush right now:
Poison: Fallen Angel