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grateful daughter/protective sister/committed friend/surrendered believer/adventure finder/hope seeker/servant-of-love

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Hail Storm '09

I've seen hail once in my life and it was more like ice chips the size of rice falling from the sky.

Tonight, I about soiled myself. I'm sitting at my desk in my room and it's pouring rain. No biggie. Then I hear the wind pick up. Wow, it's really blowin. All of sudden it sounds like rocks are being thrown at my window. What the...??? Get up, walk to window, and then...there, that's when it happened, that's when I soiled myself. White golf balls are falling from the sky!!! It's like the end of the world as we know it... and I feel fine. (REM shout out.)

So what do we do anytime there's something even quasi-exciting going on?? Get the camera!!!

And here's what we saw...

Hail Storm '09 from Mariko on Vimeo.


Unknown said...

Please don't let me open my mouth when you have a video camera in your hand. Thanks.

Jessica said...

Be glad they were only golf balls...if you'll look out the window, near your car right now you'll see a Land Rover wearing a diaper...that's (currently) my car abused by the baseball size stoning the sky put him through last night. Boo.