My good friend Jamie and her husband Doug came to Austin from Nashville to spend some time with the raddest Californians in Austin this last weekend. I've known Jamie since junior high, back in the good ol' days of Rose Drive youth group and it's been awesome to have stayed in contact this long. She moved to Nashville in '07 and that is where she met her future hubby Mr. Doug Tice. They wed last fall in CA and their wedding was such a hoot, if I do say so myself.
Jamie (Lap) and I tried to show them some good Austin fun and what better way to do that then...go out to EAT!! While visiting, the Tice's were able to experience the awesomeness of Pok-E-Jo's, Mighty Fine, Juan in a Million, and, of course, Chuy's.

Only in Texas would they put "Texas Take Out" on their take out boxes.
Sunday was such a beautiful day the outdoors were just calling us. We spent most of the afternoon walking around town lake and just soaking up the warmth of the sun's goodness.

Doug had heard about Austins killer roller derby program, the
Texas Lonestar Rollergirls, and really wanted to go watch so we got tickets and got to experience a roller derby, live and in the flesh, Austin style on Sunday evening. Let me tell you, folks, the crowd at these shin-digs are a breed in and of themselves. Never knew that there really was such a thing as a roller derby and definitely had no idea of what kind of "girls" participated in them. I quote "girls" because there were a few I was almost positive were males and pretty much all of them, you just don't want to run into on the streets on their bad days.

When I arrived there, I felt very out of place as I was lacking: several tattoos, innumerable amount of piercings in socially awkward places, holey fish net stockings, and a taste in hardcore metal music. Oh, and my neon green mini skirt and brass knuckles. I'm pretty sure Willie Nelson's cousin was sitting in front of us, Marilyn Mansons fan club was a few rows back, a large population of Rosie O'Donnell's exes were surrounding the rink and bar, and everything else in between were present at the derby. The MC of this roller derby was a 58 year old man with hair that looked like clay molding, a face that radiated from it's spray tan, wearing a red sports jacket and baby blue alligator skinned shoes. I think EVERYONE should experience the Texas Roller Derby at least once in your life and if my synopsis isn't good enough to persuade you, if you go on your birthday, you get have both teams give you a birthday spanking!!!
And there's nothing better to finish off an awesome weekend then a pizzookie at BJ's. Cheers to Tice's and rad times in Austin!!
1 comment:
You guys missed the glory days of Austin. Here's what would make a dent in getting it back. Take about 10000 of those "rad" Californians and head out of state for good.
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