Drinking just water is really hard. One of my favorite things about the weekends are the mornings: taking my time waking up, drinking my coffee and eating breakfast in the kitchen at a lax pace, enjoying the morning brew. I just survived my first full weekend without my Cup o' Joe in the morning and I'm not going to lie...it was brutal. I don't know how people do it.
I was doing great, though. I didn't have to concentrate on ignoring my coffee pot too much since it was a pretty busy weekend and I wasn't alone with the cause of my demise for very long moments of time. In the morning, I went to Reagan High School again and helped paint signs to put up around campus. I then went to meet up with a friend and we went to the mall, the movie theater (saw "He's just not that into you"), and then to dinner.
I was having such a good time and I was really excited to see the movie since everyone had good things to say about it. We walk into the theater, without even thinking anything of it, we head straight to the snack bar, and I order popcorn and.......an ICEE. !!!! At this point, I still don't realize the atrocity I've just committed. It isn't until about half way through the movie that I get this light pulsing headache....and then it hits. I suck at life. There in the Gateway movie theater #6, third to last row, about 6 seats in from the right, I wallowed in my guilt. In my defense, though, it wasn't a conscious choice during a moment of weakness, but a stupid slip up during a moment of retardedness. Nonetheless, I still deserved the caffeine induced headache.
I know this isn't anything trivial or majorly significant and you probably think I'm being very melodramatic here, but I just felt like I had to confess that since I did make a commitment to drink only water and I failed on day 7. Argh....
So with that off my chest, I say shame to you, Icee, shame on YOU...

1 comment:
i totally know how you feel! only mine wasn't b/c I wanted to, it was b/c my doctor wanted me too! So props to you. You made it a week... and hey, there is water - or ICE - in an ICEE! =) I think you'll survive! =)
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