I haven't really made any New Year's resolution because, let's be honest, they're usually broken within the first 5 seconds of the new year. That word "resolution" sounds so definite and legit that if broken it makes you feel as though you've broken the 11th commandment which leads to depression and then you just screw it all and go back to living life before the goal setting of losing 50 lbs or consuming less alcohol or budgeting your money better. Then by the end of that year you're broke, 500 lbs and an alcoholoic. No thank you. I don't appreciate guilting myself to feel like a useless waste of space so I choose to make general "aspirations" and if I fall back on them it doesn't cause the depression-fest and I'm more apt to overcoming my moment of weakness and continue on the path of pursuing that aspiration.
So, one of my aspirations is to wean myself off of coffee...this sort of derived from my aspiration to be healthier. I've attempted this probably 5 other times before. It usually goes somewhat okay, but then I get a whiff of that creamy brewed cup of divine radness and then...me and my cup-of-Joe are BFF's again.
I am now substituting tea in the place of where my BFF Joe would fulfill my every need. So far so good...it's also only been one day. =)
So, Internet friends, I need you guys to hold me accountable to this...all 3 of you, that is. I give you permission to ask me, "Have you and Joe hung out lately?" and if I say "uhhh, yes" then I fully allow you guys to publicly berate me.
"Then by the end of that year you're broke, 500 lbs and an alcoholoic. No thank you."
You make my chuckle.
I love coffee, but I've definitely been good about not drinking it EVERY day. I try to save it until I'm tired & really need a cup. Or I'm absolutely craving it & cannot resist. I had a cup today & it was divine. But there's nothing wrong with coffee in moderation--especially since you're not paying $4 a day every day at Starbucks.
So have you convinced any of your work peeps to join our Mocha Club team yet? =)
I walk by your desk 100x a day. I can do my part... :)
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